发布时间:2023-02-13 15:45:00

  华远化学| 兔抗GAB2(Ab-623) 多克隆抗体

  中文名称:兔抗GAB2(Ab-623) 多克隆抗体

  英文名称: Anti-GAB2(Ab-623) rabbit polyclonal antibody

  相关类别: 一抗

  抗 原: GAB2(Ab-623)

  储 存: 冷冻(-20℃) 避光

  宿 主: Rabbit

  反应种属: Human

  标 记 物: Unconjugate

  克隆类型: rabbit polyclonal


  Background:Adapter protein which acts downstream of several membrane receptors including cytokine, antigen, hormone, cell matrix and growth factor receptors to regulate multiple signaling pathways. Regulates osteoclast differentiation mediating the TNFRSF11A/RANK signaling. In allergic response, it plays a role in mast cells activation and degranulation through PI-3-kinase regulation. Also involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and hematopoiesis.


  Name of antibody:GAB2(Ab-623)

  Immunogen:Synthesized non-phosphopeptide derived from human Gab2 around the phosphorylation site of serine 623 (P-S-S(p)-P-S).

  Full name:GRB2-associated binding protein 2



  WB Predicted band size:74 kDa

  WB Positive control:COS cells lysate

  WB Recommended dilution:500-3000



  兔抗GAB2(Ab-623) 多克隆抗体 华远公司主要业务为向大专院校、科研机构,药企、化工企业提供高品质、特殊规格的化学产品和技术解决方案,已经形成了累计服务超过1000家客户,提供高规格产品超过6000种,合作行业和产业伙伴超过1200家的体量和规模,积累了丰富的经验和良好的口碑。基于长期的行业经验和积累,我司已经形成了既能满足研发类客户对产品种类、包装、纯度的特殊要求,也能适应企业从小试、中试到规模化等各个阶段的综合需求的核心能力。

上一篇:要想操作好多聚蛋白胨需要哪些步骤 下一篇:华远化学| 脱落酸的作用及注意事项